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The secondary girls of TWS took the Green Genesis Journey.


To make learning a fun experience, we introduced the concept of vertical gardening to our students. The aim of this program was to develop a space for climber plants and research the barriers to priorities for the development and growth of the plants.


Consumerism for modern amenities has given birth to a new culture of ‘use and throw’ which has eventually led us to produce lots of garbage that our landfills can no longer hold. This trash is the source of all our problems—pollution of rivers, land, air, depletion of natural resources and more. This is a project to help the students realize that we have to stop generating waste, and this can be done only by following the three Rs: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, to make the Earth greener and better place for our future generations. This blog showcase the Moral education projects from the Primary students of The Westminster School, Dubai, to signify the importance of environmental protection, problem-solving skills to overcome difficulties, commitment and determination to accomplish the task which is in line with the four pillars of Moral education.


Integration of Climate Change topics was a part of all the lessons in the core subjects throughout the academic years. Apart from this ‘Introduction to Climate Change’ as a stand-alone topic was also executed in all the classes of primary during the Smart period on 24th September, 2020. The impact of these lessons was very prominent and positive among the student community.

The second term of the Primary schooling also had many stand-alone lessons on Climate Change. These lessons conducted during the Smart Period on Thursday focused on Carbon Footprint, Impact of 4 R’s on environment, Impact of Climate Change on the 21st Century cities, Effects of climate change on Sea animals and so on. It enriched the students’ community with the present scenario and reinforced them to tackle it with thoughtful ideas.

On the other hand secondary school implemented climate change in the following subjects.


Climate Change integration -Biology

Presentation on:

Human Population and Climate Change - Reproduction, Biology.

Curriculum Integration - Climate Change Initiative Meeting (MOM)

Under the guidance of Head of School/Deputy CEO, Ms. Vijayakumari Sathyan, a meeting was held on how climate change could be integrated into the curriculum through project-based learning (PBL) for the secondary school.






Sustainability; being one of the 3 sub-themes of EXPO- 2021, students at TWS had attended an enlightening session during the Core Value Period, on "Sustainable Fashion", where they were made aware of sustainable fashion and its benefits to the environment. The session focused on why it’s necessary to buy clothes made from eco-friendly materials and to have a working system without having negative footprints. The students were given an activity to make posters on Sustainable Fashion in which all the students participated very enthusiastically.


American University Sharjah Environmental Day (Virtual) celebration was on Thursday, March 4, 2021, timing TBD. This year’s theme was “ENV Day 2021 (Virtual): COVID and Environment:  Impact and Sustainability."  

The event was aimed at promoting awareness on issues relating to COVID-19, environment and sustainability as well as to introduce students to high impact careers in the Biological, Chemical, and Environmental Sciences through those sectors for a better future.  
The Environmental Day celebration was a very good opportunity to introduce students who are planning for their future careers to the different parts of the environment that surrounds them, increasing their environmental awareness; potential careers that can help protect their environment; and the science degrees at AUS that can take them there.


AUS Environmental Day included:

  • Invited guest speaker from the UAE environmental sustainability and health sectors

  • Competitions for students and attendees



We welcome students to write write-ups for the upcoming issues, which can include riddles, environmental tips, initiatives to become a sustainable citizen and raise the awareness of our community!

Examples of students articles:


Eating the right food and exercising regularly are two strong pillars of good health and increased immunity. The toxicity in environment due to plastic waste polluting the food chain has a serious impact not only on nature but in human body too. The pandemic, Covid-19 has hit as an eye opener to mankind for getting back to the right habits to increase immunity. At TWS healthy food habits are reinforced by encouraging children to eat one fruit daily with other healthy food. We are also making good progress in our fight against plastic pollution. We need a pollution free environment and our future goal is to be a plastic free zone.

Syed Hamza 5I
Abdul Rehman Abdullah 8B3

Climate change is the global phenomenon of climate transformation characterized by the changes in the usual climate of the planet. It refers to any significant change in the measures of the climate lasting for an extended period of time. In other words, climate change includes major changes in temperature, precipitation, or wind patterns, among other effects, that occur over several decades or longer. Proud of the fact that TWS has many initiatives to spread awareness and protect against climate. Six of our own TWS teachers have completed the courses and earned the Bronze Award in Sustainability and Climate Change Learning for the school. Last month TWS ran a competition for collecting plastic bottles. I believe it’s a great initiative as it highlights the importance of saving our environment. I make sure to take a shower instead of a bath, to close the tap while brushing my teeth, switch off the lights or any electronics when not in use. I try not to waste food. Avoid plastics. I use cotton reusable masks when stepping outside. I do my part. You can do yours as David Suzuki rightly says: 'In a world of more than seven billion people, each of us is a drop in the bucket. But with enough drops, we can fill any bucket.'

Amna Kashif 10G1

When you hear the words ‘Climate change’, I bet the first few images that come to your mind consist of huge glaciers melting, the Earth being surrounded by a blanket that’s a little too warm for its inhabitants and dried up lands. Well, Climate change, according to NASA, is a change in average conditions and temperatures in a region over a specific period of time. This is actually a ramification of the Greenhouse Effect, or, as you might call it, Global Warming. The Sun’s radiation gets trapped in the Earth’s atmosphere (this is attributed by the gases in the atmosphere like methane, CO2, etc.) and this heat is distributed around an area, leading to abnormal temperatures, weather, natural activity, etc. The effects of Climate change are drastic and continue to become alarmingly significant. Higher temperatures mean more ice will melt, which will lead to rise in water levels and a loss of habitat for the fauna that consider the ice their home. Natural disasters and events like droughts, storms, heat waves will intensify in terms of effect and occurrence, causing problems not only for the flora and fauna but humans too. The costs to repair the damage done by the effects of climate change will increase over time, and an example can be seen in the fact that hurricanes will become stronger and more intense over time, and repairing the destruction will cost quite the amount. In addition, people themselves will be affected not just by the natural disasters, but also by the knowledge about this whole issue. They will be worried about their future, their family’s future, humanity’s future, and they have every right to! But if we hope to reverse or decelerate the effects of Climate change, we are going to have to change ourselves first. We are going to have to change the way we travel, the way we live, and we’re going to have to do this on a large scale to make an impact. Many countries have already begun changing themselves to save their future, and people around the world are making a change through protests and many other ways. It may seem like an impossible task, but if we all work together, we can do it! It is with small bricks that a building is built. It is with small atoms that a whole body or object is created. It is a small step that leads to a whole journey. It’s our world, our home, and our future. If we’re going to change the future, we’re going to have to start by changing ourselves.


Climate Change PodcastTWS
00:00 / 06:12



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